Adolescence is a time of great change. During these years, teens experience physical growth, mental development and emotional changes. As a parent, your goal during this time of life is to help your teen become an independent responsible adult.
These adolescent years can be stressful on everyone involved. Teens are no longer children. Nor are they adults. They may be confused about who they are and how they should act. Characteristics like self-centeredness, idealism, being critical of self and others, rebellion, and strong investments in friendships are traits that can be unpleasant at times. However, they are normal and developmentally healthy. Although some challenges and conflict are a normal part of this stage of development, outside support, encouragement and perspective can help.
Counseling can help adolescents learn to:
- Identify their strengths
- Clarify core values
- Improve coping skills
- Make better decisions
- Communicate more effectively
Additional challenges addressed in therapy with teens:
- Depression & Anxiety
- Self Esteem
- Bullying
- Anger Management
- Body Image
- Friendships
- Drugs & Alcohol
- Family Relationships
- School Pressures & Achievement
- Coping Divorce